Okay, I know it's September and all, and it's finally starting to feel like Autumn, but this girl is still thinking about summer. Early on this summer, like way way back in June, my buds and I took a little field trip to Roosevelt Island.
Living in New York, I don't really know why I've never been, because there is a tram. I love tram rides. It was awesome.
So yeah, we took the tram over yonder, and walked down to the new FDR park where we were greeted with a massive statue of the big guy's head. The extension of the island is a park with rows of trees. I love (like LOVE) rows of trees.
There were also pretty flowers, pretty views, and pretty good waffle fries at a local restaurant we escaped to because of the bagillion degree weather. All in all, it was a good field trip. But I'll have to go back to see the lighthouse on the other end. Another tram ride, here I come!
What an awesome photographer you are!